I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “You learn something
new every day?” Despite the routine of
the prison experience, I’ve discovered that this saying is more true here than
anywhere else I’ve lived. And what you
learn in prison is likely to fall into a category along the lines of “I
Couldn’t Make this Stuff Up.” For
instance, allow me to introduce one of my neighbors, Billy Joe. An Appalachian mountain man in his late 60s,
Billy Joe could easily be the model for half a dozen characters from the tv show
Justified. He has spent most of his adult life as a
guest of the federal or state prison systems.
I’d stayed clear of him and couldn’t imagine that he might be able to
share anything interesting from his limited experience of life on the
outside. This all changed one day when
he sat down opposite me and commanded me to listen up. Usually something of a goofball, his
seriousness at this moment caught me off guard.
I put down my book, thinking that maybe I had misjudged Billy Joe, and
readying myself for some homespun mountain wisdom.
Satisfied that he had my attention, Billy Joe opened with,
“Listen up city boy, I’s about to learn you somethin’ good.” My mind raced, what could it be? Some pearl of wisdom about life in prison? How to deal with the tedium? The
boredom? The loneliness? Possibly a cautionary tale so I wouldn’t end
up a lifer like him? No, Billy Joe had
more important fish to fry. He was ready
to share an ultimate, hard won secret, which he labeled “My Rules for Runnin’
Whores.” This being your lucky day,
allow me to pass along this knowledge to you, pretty much verbatim as he said
Rule One: One, two,
three, or four whores is good, but five are too many. Just trust Billy Joe, he said, five are hard
to manage. Plus, they don’t all fit in a
sports car.
Rule Two: Never keep
your guns, dope, money, and women in the same place. If you get busted, you lose everything and
your charges will be worse. Plus, you
can never trust a woman not to steal your dope and guns.
Rule Three: Don’t
ever hit your women. It’s much better to
control them with dope. (Apparently, on
the Pimp Humanity Scale, hitting is less advisable than enabling an addiction
to a deadly drug such as meth, crack or heroin).
At this point, Billy Joe paused, and I thought he was
finished. But he had more wisdom to
impart, boy did he have more. He had to
think about whether I could be trusted with his final and most important rule. As a newbie to prison life and a city boy, he
wasn’t sure I was ready. He took a deep
breath, thought things over. Then made a
decision. The theme song from Shaft played in my head as I prepared
myself for his gift of the Holy Grail of Appalachian Pimpin’, which I here
Rule Four: “Get a
midget, a sexy midget. Guys will pay
anything for a midget.”
This was it. No
explanation needed. He stopped, as if he
had imparted a known law of the universe.
Gravity, Inertia, Entropy, and Midget Prostitutes. Period.
Lesson over. You can thank me
later. Billy Joe wore a satisfied smile
on his grizzled face. He stood up and
walked away without another word. Class