Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Interruption in Blog

To anyone who has been regularly reading these blog posts, a new one posted each week, wanted to let you know that there will be a short hiatus while the guy who posts goes on vacation.  In the meantime, don't know if you may have seen this harrowing short video clip, but I recommend it:


The part of the clip I'm referring you to comes in at about the 6 minute mark of this longer show.

We'll be back with a new blog post in early June -- thank you for caring!

1 comment:

  1. Watched the movie. How true it is. Unfortunately prison reform is not even on the table. We just don’t get it. Rehabilitation not punishment is the answer. Of course I am a bleeding heart liberal so what else would you expect me to say. I went on line and searched for: “Does any candidate support prison reform?”
    It wasn’t long ago that President Bill Clinton [sad] led both democrats and republicans in advocating for “tough on crime” policies. Today, even those who led the charge for mandatory minimums and three strikes provisions have opened their eyes to the toll those policies have taken on our communities, and many candidates, especially democrats [OK now I feel better], have been pressured to reverse the damage they have done.
    Both Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton are addressing the need for prison reform head-on. They recognize that it’s a fact, not an opinion, that more people behind bars will not make the United States safer, healthier, or economically sound. Both support Ban the Box legislation, the international campaign to encourage employers to not ask applicants about their criminal history. And both candidates have spoken against the privatization of prisons. For at least one candidate, we know that he’s not just paying lip service; in September 2015, Sanders introduced a bill that banned government contracts with private prison corporations.
    As for the Republican Party, prison reform is not a priority and its candidates rarely speak on this topic. Despite the silence, I think it’s safe to say that across the board, the Republican candidates will not call for a ban on private prison. One of Marco Rubio’s top contributors is the GEO Group, the second largest for-profit prison corporation in this country. Ted Cruz also has ties to the for-profit prison industry. And Governor Kasich is responsible for Ohio being the first state to sell a state run prison to a private corporation.
