Thursday, January 7, 2021

40 Days and 40 Nights in the SHU


So here we sit, still in the SHU (the “hole”).  Some may say, “40 days?  What’s the big deal? I’ve heard of guys doing years in solitary!” or “I did 4 months for one shot.” Therein lies the difference. If we had violated some rule, then this could be viewed as a logical consequence of bad behavior. All I did was get locked down for eight months, have a succession of covid-positive cellmates, go to work to clean for staff and inmates through it all, and then as my reward, get transferred hundreds of miles away to another prison, just as the virus eased up in the prison where I’ve lived for several years, and just as the virus is exploding at the new place.  Before transfer, they put you in the SHU as quarantine.  After arrival at the new place, they keep you in the SHU for quarantine, and now, here we sit, because there is no safe place to put us, they say.  After a month and a half in a tiny cell with another prisoner, any effort at a positive outlook is fading.


The food is still good, but a book to read, a breath of fresh air, a glimpse of the outdoors, or even a new face to see would be a Godsend.  Most guys in here sleep all day just to make it through, but I haven’t resorted to that yet. My cellie has it mastered. I assume he sleeps night and day both, but I’m not sure. After forcing myself to stay awake during what they say is daylight hours, in an effort to maintain some kind of normality, I’m out cold at night. 


As I’m writing this, someone is calling out to “Young Covid” the SHU rapper, who has been losing steam, too. He’s turned to writing love songs, at least that’s what he calls them. I’m dubious, because I heard him brainstorming words that rhyme with “bitch”. Maybe a pet name?


The rumor is that some guys in the compound are popping positive for covid, so we may be stuck here even longer.  I don’t even want to think about that, and then what if they do let us out of SHU and call another lockdown like in the other prison?  I’ve been through one widespread outbreak behind bars, and somehow made it through without getting sick. Coud I get so lucky again?  I thought I was brought here for my protection, but out of the frying pan into the fire.  At least I can say that the staff here appears to be straightforward and candid about our situation, unlike the mess I left behind.


Oh – a wink of light!  The Book Unicorn did show-up!  Says we may get some books to spell our boredom in a couple days!



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